Boxplot ggplot that is facetted, but not coloured.
ggplot_box_facet(data, x_var, y_var = NULL, facet_var, group_var = NULL, stat = "boxplot", pal = NULL, width = 0.5, title = "[Title]", title_wrap = 70, subtitle = NULL, subtitle_wrap = 80, x_expand = NULL, x_labels = waiver(), x_pretty_n = 5, x_title = "[X title]", x_title_wrap = 50, y_balance = FALSE, y_expand = NULL, y_labels = waiver(), y_pretty_n = 5, y_title = "[Y title]", y_title_wrap = 50, y_trans = "identity", y_zero = TRUE, y_zero_line = NULL, facet_ncol = NULL, facet_nrow = NULL, facet_scales = "fixed", caption = NULL, caption_wrap = 80, font_family = "Helvetica", font_size_title = NULL, font_size_body = NULL)
data | An tibble or dataframe. Required input. |
x_var | Unquoted variable to be on the x axis. Required input. |
y_var | Unquoted numeric variable to be on the y axis. Defaults to NULL. Required if stat equals "boxplot". |
facet_var | Unquoted categorical variable to facet the data by. Required input. |
group_var | Unquoted variable to be the grouping variable Defaults to NULL. Only applicable if stat equals "boxplot". |
stat | String of "boxplot" or "identity". Defaults to "boxplot". If identity is selected, data provided must be grouped by the x_var and facet_var with ymin, lower, middle, upper, ymax variables. Note "identity" does not provide outliers. |
pal | Character vector of hex codes. Defaults to viridis. Use the pals package to find a suitable palette. |
width | Width of the box. Defaults to 0.5. |
title | Title string. Defaults to "[Title]". |
title_wrap | Number of characters to wrap the title to. Defaults to 70. |
subtitle | Subtitle string. Defaults to "[Subtitle]". |
subtitle_wrap | Number of characters to wrap the subtitle to. Defaults to 80. |
x_expand | A vector of range expansion constants used to add some padding on the x scale. |
x_labels | Argument to adjust the format of the x scale labels. |
x_pretty_n | The desired number of intervals on the x axis, as calculated by the pretty algorithm. Defaults to 5. Only applicable to a x variable that is categorical or date. |
x_title | X axis title string. Defaults to "[X title]". |
x_title_wrap | Number of characters to wrap the x title to. Defaults to 50. |
y_balance | Add balance to the y axis so that zero is in the centre of the y scale. Only applicable where facet_scales equals "fixed" or "free_x". |
y_expand | A vector of range expansion constants used to add some padding on the y scale. |
y_labels | Argument to adjust the format of the y scale labels. |
y_pretty_n | The desired number of intervals on the y axis, as calculated by the pretty algorithm. Defaults to 5. |
y_title | Y axis title string. Defaults to "[Y title]". |
y_title_wrap | Number of characters to wrap the y title to. Defaults to 50. |
y_trans | TRUEransformation of y-axis scale (e.g. "signed_sqrt"). Defaults to "identity", which has no transformation. |
y_zero | TRUE or FALSE of whether the minimum of the y scale is zero. Defaults to TRUE. |
y_zero_line | TRUE or FALSE whether to add a zero reference line to the y axis. Defaults to NULL, which is TRUE if there are positive and negative values in y_var. Otherwise it is FALSE. |
facet_ncol | The number of columns of facetted plots. |
facet_nrow | The number of rows of facetted plots. |
facet_scales | Whether facet_scales should be "fixed" across facets, "free" in both directions, or free in just one direction (i.e. "free_x" or "free_y"). Defaults to "fixed". |
caption | Caption title string. Defaults to NULL. |
caption_wrap | Number of characters to wrap the caption to. Defaults to 80. |
font_family | Font family to use. Defaults to "Helvetica". |
font_size_title | Font size for the title text. Defaults to 11. |
font_size_body | Font size for all text other than the title. Defaults to 10. |
A ggplot object.
library(dplyr) plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>% mutate(price_thousands = (price / 1000)) %>% slice_sample(prop = 0.05) ggplot_box_facet(plot_data, cut, price_thousands, color)