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{simplevis} uses consistent prefixes in arguments to help users to enable users to narrow down what they are looking for and then enable the Rstudio auto-complete to provide options.

In general:

  • Arguments that relate to the x scale start with x_
  • Agruments that relate to the y scale start with y_
  • Arguments that relate to the colour scale start with col_
  • Arguments that relate to facetting start with facet_

Therefore, if you know want to adjust the x scale but can’t think how, you can start typing x_ within the {simplevis} function, press tab, and then you will be presented with a lot of options. You can use the arrow keys to scroll through these, and the tab to select.

One deviation from this logic is that colour palette is selected using a pal argument consistently in all functions regardless of whether the colour palette relates to a colour scale or just to everything.


Defaults titles are:

You can customise titles with title, subtitle, x_title, y_title and caption arguments.

             x_var = bill_length_mm, 
             y_var = body_mass_g, 
             col_var = species, 
             title = "Adult penguin mass by bill length and species",
             subtitle = "Palmer station, Antarctica",
             x_title = "Bill length (mm)", 
             y_title = "Body mass (g)",
             col_title = "Species")

You can also request no x_title using x_title = "" or likewise for y_title and col_title.


You can adjust labels by provinding a function or named vector to the *_labelsargument.

All categorical variables are converted to sentence case by default using snakecase::to_sentence_case.

Numeric variables are generally converted using the scales::label_comma() by default, but sometimes converted to scales::label_number().

You can turn off any {simplevis} default transformations to labels using function(x) x.

                   x_var = bill_length_mm,
                   y_var = body_mass_g,
                   col_var = sex,
                   facet_var = species)

col_labels <- c("F", "M")
names(col_labels) <- sort(unique(penguins$sex))
#> female   male 
#>    "F"    "M"

                   x_var = bill_length_mm,
                   y_var = body_mass_g,
                   col_var = sex,
                   facet_var = species, 
                   y_title = "Body mass (kg)",
                   x_labels =  scales::label_comma(),
                   y_labels = function(x) glue::glue("{x / 1000} kg"), 
                   col_labels = col_labels,
                   facet_labels = ~ stringr::str_to_upper(stringr::str_sub(.x, 1, 1)))

Numeric scales

{simplevis} graphs numeric scales default to:

  • starting from zero for numeric scales on bar graphs.
  • not starting from zero for numeric scales on all other graphs.

You can use the x_zero and y_zero arguments to change the defaults.

             x_var = bill_length_mm, 
             y_var = body_mass_g, 
             col_var = species, 
             x_zero = TRUE, 
             y_zero = TRUE)

Adjust the number of breaks for numeric x and/or y scales.

             x_var = bill_length_mm, 
             y_var = body_mass_g, 
             col_var = species, 
             x_breaks_n = 6, 
             y_breaks_n = 10)

Balance a numeric scale so that it has equivalence between positive and negative values.

             x_var = bill_length_mm, 
             y_var = body_mass_g, 
             col_var = species, 
             y_zero_mid = TRUE)

Zero lines default on if a numeric scale includes positive and negative values, but can be turned off if desired using the *_zero_line argument.

Transform numeric x and y scales by adding a ggplot2 scale_*_continuous layer.

             x_var = bill_length_mm,
             y_var = body_mass_g,
             col_var = species) +
    name = "Bill length mm",
    breaks = function(x) pretty(x, 4),
    limits = function(x) c(min(pretty(x, 4)), max(pretty(x, 4))),
    expand = c(0, 0)

Discrete scales

{simplevis} automatically orders hbar graphs of character variables alphabetically.

plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
  mutate(cut = as.character(cut)) %>% 
  group_by(cut) %>%
  summarise(price = mean(price)) 
        x_var = price, 
        y_var = cut)

If there is an inherent order to the character variable that you want it to plot in, then you should convert the variable to a factor, and give it the appropriate levels.

cut_levels <-  c("Ideal", "Premium", "Very Good", "Good", "Fair")

plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
  mutate(cut = as.character(cut)) %>%
   mutate(cut = factor(cut, levels = cut_levels)) %>% 
  group_by(cut) %>%
  summarise(price = mean(price)) 

        x_var = price, 
        y_var = cut)

Discrete scales can be reversed easily using the relevant y_rev or x_rev argument.

plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
  mutate(cut = as.character(cut)) %>% 
  group_by(cut) %>%
  summarise(price = mean(price)) 

        x_var = price, 
        y_var = cut,
        y_rev = TRUE)

Simple hbar and vbar plots made with gg_bar() or gg_hbar can be ordered by size using y_reorder or x_reorder. For other functions, you will need to reorder variables in the data as you wish them to be ordered.

plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
  mutate(cut = as.character(cut)) %>% 
  group_by(cut) %>%
  summarise(price = mean(price)) 
        x_var = price, 
        y_var = cut, 
        y_reorder = TRUE)

For other functions, you will need to reorder the relevant variables as you want.

The {tidytext} package provides a method for reordering within facets.

plot_data <- penguins %>%
  group_by(species, sex) %>%
  summarise(body_mass_g = mean(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(species2 = forcats::fct_rev(tidytext::reorder_within(species, body_mass_g, sex)))

  x_var = body_mass_g,
  y_var = species2,
  col_var = species,
  facet_var = sex,
  facet_na_rm = TRUE,
  facet_scales = "free_y",
  y_labels = function(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(stringr::word(x, sep = "___")),
  col_legend_none = TRUE)

Colour scales

Customise the colour title. Note that because colour labels will be converted to sentence case by default in {simplevis}, but we can turn this off when we do not want this to occur using function(x) x.

plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
  group_by(cut, clarity) %>%
  summarise(average_price = mean(price))

            x_var = average_price, 
            y_var = cut, 
            col_var = clarity,
            col_labels = function(x) x, 
            pal_rev = TRUE)

Reverse the palette.

plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
  group_by(cut, clarity) %>%
  summarise(average_price = mean(price))

            x_var = average_price, 
            y_var = cut, 
            col_var = clarity,
            col_labels = function(x) x, 
            pal_rev = TRUE)

Reverse the order of coloured bars.

plot_data <- ggplot2::diamonds %>%
  group_by(cut, clarity) %>%
  summarise(average_price = mean(price))

            x_var = average_price, 
            y_var = cut, 
            col_var = clarity,
            col_labels = function(x) x, 
            col_rev = TRUE)

NA values

You can quickly remove NA values by setting x_na_rm, y_na_rm, col_na_rm or facet_na_rm arguments to TRUE.

                   x_var = bill_length_mm, 
                   y_var = body_mass_g, 
                   col_var = sex, 
                   facet_var = species, 
                   col_na_rm = TRUE)

Expanding the scale

To expand the scale use x_expand and y_expand arguments with the ggplot2::expansion function, which allows to expand in either or both directions of both x and y in an additive or multiplative way.

plot_data <- storms %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(wind = mean(wind))

        x_var = year, 
        y_var = wind, 
        x_expand = ggplot2::expansion(add = c(0, 5)),
        y_expand = ggplot2::expansion(mult = c(0, 0.025)))

Position adjustments

In general plots are positioned exactly as the data provided.

Exceptions are bar*() and hbar*(), which positions bars side-by-side by default (i.e. dodged).

plot_data <- penguins %>% 
  group_by(species, sex) %>% 
  summarise(body_mass_g = mean(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE))  

           x_var = species, 
           y_var = body_mass_g, 
           col_var = sex)

However, a option to stack bars is also available.

plot_data <- penguins %>% 
  group_by(species, sex) %>% 
  summarise(body_mass_g = mean(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE))  

           x_var = species, 
           y_var = body_mass_g, 
           col_var = sex,
           stack = TRUE,
           col_na_rm = TRUE, 
           width = 0.5)

point allows you to jitter in an x or y direction.

               x_var = species, 
               y_var = body_mass_g, 
               x_jitter = 0.2, 
               alpha_point = 0.5) 

pointrange and hpointrange allow you to specify an amount to dodge by, if desired.

plot_data <- penguins %>%
  group_by(sex, species) %>%
  summarise(middle = median(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE),
            lower = quantile(body_mass_g, probs = 0.25, na.rm = TRUE),
            upper = quantile(body_mass_g, probs = 0.75, na.rm = TRUE))

  x_var = species,
  y_var = middle,
  ymin_var = lower,
  ymax_var = upper,
  col_var = sex,
  col_na_rm = TRUE,
  y_title = "Body mass g",
  x_dodge = 0.3)

Turning the legend off

plot_data <- penguins %>% 
  group_by(species) %>% 
  summarise(body_mass_g = mean(body_mass_g, na.rm = TRUE))  

       x_var = species, 
       y_var = body_mass_g, 
       col_var = species, 
       col_legend_none = TRUE,
       width = 0.5)